An experimental project around using different plants to create cordages and natural fabric dyes.
An illustrated beginners guide to foraging plants in the local area. The aim of the project was to connect people to their local area and teach the different uses, identification tips, recipes, facts and folklore of the plants found along a family friendly walking route.
DIY skincare kits using locally grown or foraged medicinal herbs. These zero waste vegan kits aim to inspire more people to reconnect with medicinal herbs and make their own nourishing skincare products.
Transforming an acre of what was once pasture land through regenerative practices.
Using solar panels to power heat mats which are used to grow seedlings. Experimenting with different configurations of the panels to optimise the winter growing season.
Using a node which works as a small open source computer and sensors which connect to a wider network of systems to monitor an aquaponic farm.
Using natural materials and waste to create biomaterials and natural dyes. Experimenting with waste materials such as; coffee grounds, avocado skins and vegetable peels.
Local research to understand the perception of the climate crisis in Todmorden. Laura has created a video with some of the interviews that was conducted as part of the research.