Hawthorn Health & Well-Being

Hawthorn Health & Well-Being is a holistic health service based at Tod College combining medical herbalism, nutrition, physical therapies and lifestyle advice to address your chronic or acute illnes

s or imbalances.

Whether you have physical or mental health issues or need support through a transitional phase of life, a consultation with Hawthorn Health & Well-Being can help you. Through this holistic approach, Maddy Taylor, a fully qualified medical herbalist, registered with the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, will work with you to heal or manage your symptoms and optimise your life.

A consultation with Hawthorn Health & Well-Being includes:

  • In-depth discussion about your health concerns
  • Full medical history taking
  • Bespoke herbal medicine prescription
  • Nutritional advice

Contact maddy@hawthornhealth.co.uk to book in or for a free 10 minute discovery call.

Contact details:


Tel: 07756 669409 Website: www.hawthornhealth.co.uk